Can You Get in Trouble for Possessing Cannabis in Illinois?

Men Hand Holds Cannabis Leaf — Waukegan, IL — Daniels, Long & Pinsel, LLC

With more and more states legalizing cannabis, you may be confused about your own state’s laws, especially since the federal government does not condone the use of cannabis. Despite this, cannabis legality is determined on a state level. If you would like to know more about the Illinois cannabis situation, keep reading.

Is Cannabis Legal in Illinois?

In 2019, Illinois passed an act legalizing the use of recreational cannabis for adults, which went into effect on January 1, 2020. In addition, medical cannabis users can grow up to five plants. The cannabis grown must be used for personal use, so you can’t sell any to individuals or dispensaries. If you don’t have a medical cannabis card, you can’t grow any cannabis plants.


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Charged With a DUI? Review These Vocabulary Terms

Gavel — Waukegan, IL — Daniels, Long & Pinsel, LLCA DUI charge may be just the beginning of a long, confusing road ahead. And that road can be difficult to navigate if you go it alone, especially if you don’t understand common legal terms used in DUI charges.

Take a look at this quick vocabulary lesson in order to understand DUI legal terms and how these terms may help you, should you ever find yourself facing a DUI charge.

Probable Cause

Probable cause is an incredibly important term because this is what will establish whether or not the arresting officer had cause to stop you to begin with. A police officer cannot simply look at a driver on the road make a general assumption that the driver is drunk; there must be probable cause for the officer to turn their lights on. (more…)

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